- الإبلاغ عن مراجعة غير ملائمة
- عرض سجلّ المراجعة
When I see the transactions, I don't want to see the catogery like food and drinks or education. Instead, I want to see the name of the store I went to (the restaurant name or the bookstore name). I also want to see how much I spend at each store a month. Furthermore, when I change the catogery for a transaction that is uncategorized, I want that to change the catogery for the store forever. I don't want to change the catogery for the same store over and over.
رأى 6 أشخاص أنّ هذه المراجعة مفيدة.
Abdulrahman, the description is also visible on the list and usually contains that sort of info. If you make a correction to the category or tag, the system will learn from this for the next import: https://toshl.com/blog/spending-categories-that-learn-from-you/ If you experience any difficulties, please contact us on support@toshl.com