Nikàya read scriptures, we are living in an age like Exalted and Holy them with the social context of contemporary India almost 26 centuries ago. Bhagavan is wise but simple, go anywhere and see anything, it should be taught as grace and His teachings extremely close, castrated themselves with human life at that time and still remains the same for humanity today.
The Buddha's teaching posts in two parts, texts and word desk. Part texts cited most original or an excerpt of economic or static materials with brief passages but repeat sections with specific origin, details of such texts. We see this as an important part, the weakest since helped introduce to readers gold derived words, uttered by Bhagavan. Lyrics Desk, actually just a brief explanation of some words or meaningful texts or is proposing a cognitive direction along the contact and compare them with reality as far as the editors, as part secondary for further reference.
Since all the Buddha's teaching is drawn from scriptures Nikàya so when assembled into books called The Buddha's teaching of scriptures Nikàya. Content collection Buddha's teaching in the Canon Nikàya (Volumes I, II and III) are arranged on each topic will be convenient for finding the Buddha's teachings on a particular topic which scattered in many places in scriptures. However, the theme here is just for temporary convention because of the Buddha's teaching but succinct but implicitly, overarching meaning of many problems.