Read what makes you safe!
Nine people die on German streets every day and over 1,000 are injured. Much suffering, pain and misfortune can be prevented by accident prevention. Road safety is no accident.
"mobile and safe" contains professionally competent, journalistically effective articles as well as tips on current topics in traffic safety, traffic education, traffic education, traffic psychology, traffic policy, traffic technology, traffic law, accident research, mobility, traffic and the environment.
"Mobil und Sicherheit" has been the association magazine of the Deutsche Verkehrswacht e.V. (DVW) since 1994. More than 93 percent of readers rate "mobile and secure" as "very good" or "good", according to a reader survey. The diverse information, the varied contributions, the exact presentation of the facts and the clarity particularly appeal to the readers. Prof. Kurt Bodewig, President of the Deutsche Verkehrswacht eV, former Federal Minister: "Every traffic watch member should receive our association magazine 'mobile and safe'. The magazine is just as interesting for traffic watch staff who are interested in new knowledge from science, research and statistics as in those who want to know what's happening in the other states and regions. "
But also for everyone interested in traffic safety and mobility topics "mobile and safe" is an informative, stimulating read.
Frequency of publication: 6 issues per year (February, April, June, August, October, December).