Jason Douglas
Customize your e-bike to your taste - allowed me to adjust the 3 assistance levels to ones that make more sense than the factory settings. Oddly, Shimano's official app doesn't seem to do this! eTuning also provides some nice data like exact battery charge status (Shimano's on-bike controller SHOULD have done this instead of providing just a crude bar graph). The only thing I'd change is more rapid connection to the bike, but delay required for connecting and reading data is prob Shimano's fault
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Author Andrew Zee
It worked to update my motor tork settings the 1st time. The eco setting for the Shimano steps motor seem to be low or off completely. I was able to use the software to update the low to plus 10% which totally made my day. The YouTube app only gives you high medium and low which is what I was stuck with. This app made a difference. Amazing.
6 people found this review helpful
Frans uit Almelo
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It did not install on Motorola G8, Android 11.0 R (This app isn't available for your device because it was made for an older version of Android). After several times trying it did install. Its easy to use. Quit the app and it does not AUTO disconnect, it remains connected to the ebike (keeps displaying "Shimano Steps"). Power down the eBike and start the app and the app assumes its still connected to the ebike. BluetoothGattCallback onConnectionStateChange not fully implemented ?
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eTuning works on new phones. You probably had another app installed that was interfering with the use of bluetooth. If it happens to you again, completely close all other apps, if you don't know how to do it on your phone, turn off and on the phone before connecting with eTuning.