You can become a member by making phone verification with the Espedal mobile application. You can see the closest stations to you on the map. By clicking on the stations, you can see the empty parks and rental bikes. To rent a bike, you must first subscribe and top up your account with credits. Then you can go to the nearest park and complete the rental process with a QR code via the mobile application.
From the Usages tab, you can see your past usages and evaluate your driving.
You can view the payments you have made on the Payments tab. You can access current announcements from the Announcements section.
The menu consists of Edit Profile, Fault Reporting, Prices, Help, Language.
You can take pictures of the problems we see in the system and send them to us via the fault notification module.
You can access up-to-date bicycle usage rates in the Prices section.
You can get information about how the system works by using the help section.