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Rakenduse teave

Helping those you care for the most!

Horde has enabled close to 200k users in Scandinavia to set up, manage and pay down loans between family and friends. The Horde app is now available throughout Europe, providing professional, safe, intuitive and friction free private loan management.

Lend money with certainty
Get your loan back smarter and faster. Set your payback terms and let automatic payments do the rest.

Borrow money with confidence
Set a custom amount you’d like to borrow and agree on the repayment details with your lender.

Payments made simple
The Horde app allows you to make and receive payments directly in the app

Choose to charge interest
Horde App allows the loan giver to choose if they want to charge interest on the loan and calculates everything directly in the app

Friction free
No more awkward conversations when asking for a loan, deferring a loan or requesting a payment. Let Horde app take care of the communication for you.

Horde charges a small fee for the service. The interest rate is set between the parties with a max interest rate (APR) of 10 %.

Price example friend loan with 3% interest: EUR 1 000 over 12 months, fee to Horde EUR 3.26, effective interest rate 3.04%, cost EUR 49, total payments EUR 1049.

Minimum repayment period: 90 days. 
Maximum repayment period: 30 years, but the borrower can pay earlier if desired. 
Maximum interest rate: 10%
18. juuni 2024

Andmete ohutus

Ohutus algab sellest, et mõistaksite, kuidas arendajad teie andmeid koguvad ja jagavad. Andmete privaatsuse ja turvalisuse tavad võivad olenevalt kasutamisest, piirkonnast ja vanusest erineda. Selle teabe esitas arendaja ja seda võidakse aja jooksul värskendada.
Kolmandate osapooltega ei jagata andmeid
Lisateave selle kohta, kuidas arendajad andmete jagamisest teada annavad
See rakendus võib koguda neid andmetüüpe
Isikuandmed, Finantsteave ja veel 3
Andmed on edastamisel krüpteeritud
Saate taotleda nende andmete kustutamist

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