Complete jigsaw puzzles while learning about musical instruments and identifying the sounds they make.
*** From the award winning kids educational software developer ***
This educational and fun App helps young children learn the common musical instruments and the sounds that each one makes while developing their hand eye coordination and puzzle solving skills. It`s a unique early learning game with realistic sounds and photo quality pictures which toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarten age children will enjoy.
Kids Musical Instrument Jigsaw Puzzles is different to other puzzle Apps because it has:
• high quality images set against photographic scenes that look stunning on High Definition (HD) and retina displays of both tablets and smart phones
• realistic sound effects used for every musical instrument
• covers most common musical instruments as well as some lesser known ones
• puzzleak erantzungo daiteke berriro ebatzi ondoren
• Zure seme-alabak bezala gero eta zailtasun hiru maila desberdin jokoen bidez aurrera
• publizitate ez
• bonus find the pairs memory game
• supports the following languages: English, German, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Italian, Persian, Turkish, Polish, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Romanian, Swedish, Thai, Norwegian, Malay, Greek, Finnish, Dutch and Danish.
Kids Musical Instrument Jigsaw Puzzles comes with a selection of free games that can be easily upgraded through a single in-app purchase to enable all puzzles. Doako aplikazio batetik bertsio osoa berritzea ere izango duzu puzzleak gehigarri guztiak eta ezaugarriak etorkizuneko oharrak gehitu jasotzeko eskubidea.
Puzzle jokoak tradizioz dibertigarria eta hezkuntza goiztiarra tots, toddlers, preschoolers, Haurtzaindegia, eta eskola-gaztetatik haurrentzako tresna izan eta bizigarri neska joko bat eta mutilen joku bat dira.
• 2 year old and 3 year old children can practice their hand eye coordination and matching skills as they progress through the puzzles on each level as well as exploring the musical instrument sounds
• 4 year old and 5 year old kids can learn to read, write and pronounce the musical instrument names on completion of every puzzle
We hope you enjoy playing what we believe is one of best early education games for toddlers and preschoolers.
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2020(e)ko aza. 24(a)