Eye X - Esercizi per gli occhi

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Informazioni su questa app

Tailored for those working-from-home, gaming fans, students and lecturers, phone addicts. And you will get the eye exercises according to your needs to improve eyesight.

Complete Eye Care With Simple Exercises to Improve Eyesight Naturally.
EyeX is all about giving you better vision and having fun.

Give your eyes 5 minutes a day, and see better for the rest of your life. With all the tools and info, you get an all-in-one eye care package. And itā€™s FREE.

You go all the way to the gym for your body care, your eye care can be done on the couch. Thatā€™s why weā€™ve developed EyeX, so you can improve your eye health wherever you are, whenever you want. Whether youā€™re looking to simply relax your eyes after a strained day or start seeing like youā€™re young again, weā€™ll get you there.


* You will get the eye exercises according to your needs. Like, If you are a gamer then different exercises, and if you are a student then different exercises.

* Focus Mode - When you are going to start work(like gaming, studying, etc.) for a longer duration. Then focus mode will help to remind you , to take a rest and do 1 min of eye exercise. To maintain eye health.

* Health Tips - Contains a lot of eyes related health tips.

Disclaimer Note : The advice given is not a professional advice. Consult a expert before acting on the activities given. The developer is not responsible for any loss or injury.
Ultimo aggiornamento
27 mag 2024

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Valutazioni e recensioni

2380 recensioni
Claudia Di Muzio
25 agosto 2021
Ottima app per esercitare e rilassare gli occhi dopo il lavoro!
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