Habio: Daily Habit Planner

4520 件のレビュー


Habio - Your Habit Assistant

Your Dose of Pleasure in the Healthy Habits World!

Make your life better and easier with Habio. Create the right and healthy habits which will make your life nicer. Good habits help us to be healthier and more confident. To form these habits you need just a great motivation and regular repetition. Afraid to forget to repeat something? Don't worry, Habio will remind you! From regular workout, daily meditation, better sleep or even quit smoking - you can do everything! Believing in yourself certainly can help you to be closer to the acquisition of a dream habit. Replace your bad habits with good and you see a result. Be confident - you will succeed with habit tracker Habio. Daily inspirational quotes will support you.

Simple and beautiful interface of our application will help you to create your first habit, mark your habits which have already been made in a calendar, also you can :
- View your created habits.
- Add new habits.
- Habits to-do list.
- Make a list of your daily routine.
- Check your progress about habits execution.
- Join our community on Facebook, Instagram.
- View goal list.
- Change your lifestyle.
- With our application you can mark your fitness workouts. You can track any of your exercises.

Large quantity of useful articles, motivational citations you will find in a tab Insight. Also, you can see some interesting videos here, look through the feed, share with your friends and give your mark for the app. Keep maximum productivity.

If you want to stop smoking, to start a healthy lifestyle, to meditate more, create new healthy habits with Habio.

You can create Habio for you own using, follow up statistics, your active days in app, learn how is going your success. Your personal data is edited by you in your profile and your notifications too, make your own habits journal!

Core Course. We offer the user to take a course of habits formation that consist of interesting materials and exercises which the user needs to do with habits. During the course you will receive awards as a check-list.

Fill your reflection diary - a very important part in work with your habit. In this section we offer our users a series of questions, answers on it will help them understand better and comprehend experience which has been taken during the day and also experience a certain time working off a habit or missing it. Fixing information is so important - it helps to analyze mistakes that have already been made and don’t allow new mistakes. Plan your schedule with Habio!

Our app is designed with mental health professionals specifically for dynamic, modern people who aspire to improve their quality of life. Habio - is not just a habit tracker, it is an application which can make a better version of you. Share the link with your friends and follow Habio in social networks.

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4410 件のレビュー
ジャーナル書くときに「what made you feel ... while practing your routine?」とか色々質問(?)みたいなのが出てくるんですが、ものすごく邪魔です。自由に書きたいので無しにできるオプション付けていただきたいです。よろしくお願いします。
Gototop LTD
Hi there! Thank you for taking time to review the app. I’m so sorry that you’ve had an unfortunate experience with Habio. We have passed on your wishes to the developers and will see what can be done here. If you ever have any questions regarding the app please don't hesitate to reach out to us at support support@habio.app. We'd love to hear you.
1 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Gototop LTD
Dear user! Thank you for you review. Please contact our Support team on support@habio.app and tell about your issue in more detail, we will try to help you!


Thanks for updating Habio!
We are happy to share that the newest Habio version is now available! This update brings a few content updates, technical improvements, and bug fixes based on your feedback. Our team keeps working hard to make sure your experience with the app is smooth and rewarding.
Thanks for being part of the Habio community — we hope you enjoy the update. Feel free to share your feedback on this version, and stay tuned for upcoming releases!