Luxor® Controller

70 ta sharh
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With the Luxor app, you can adjust fixture intensity and color, create unique themes, and fine-tune your color palette for special occasions — right from the palm of your hand!

With Luxor® Cloud management, it’s easier than ever before to bring nighttime living spaces to life. Cloud connection eliminates local network limitations to streamline control in the field and enable remote site management from anywhere in the world via an internet connection.

Sites allow you to easily manage multiple Luxor systems. If you are the owner of a Luxor system, give your site a name such as MY HOUSE.

Adjust intensity and colors (ZDC fixtures only) of individual or groups of fixtures to tailor your lighting design. With a Luxor system, you can create up to 250 adjustable lighting groups that can be turned on independently and dimmed from 1–100%.

With Luxor technology, you can add pizzazz to your home to complement any occasion through industry-leading custom color creation capabilities. Design one-of-a-kind holiday displays, create team spirit for the big game, add company colors for work-related events, or simply adjust colors to match vegetation as the seasons change.

Color Creation
The Luxor ZDC controller provides the ability to create up to 30,000 colors using the latest RGBW LED technology. Use the color bars to select the desired hue, saturation level, and intensity for any light or group of lights. You can also create a personalized palette to easily access up to 250 user-saved color options.

Create custom lighting schedules for everyday living, holidays, and celebrations. Event-based programming initiates custom themes or individual lighting fixtures throughout the night.

Light Assignment
The Luxor Light Assignment Module (LAM) with next-generation ActivAssign™ technology allows for wireless assignment of FX Luminaire LED lighting fixtures and Luxor accessories. Simply plug the LAM into your smart device, enter Assignment Mode, choose the fixture group, aim the LAM at the desired light, and you’re all set.
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-okt, 2024

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