Water Tracker : Drink Reminder

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Have you ever wondered if your water intake is enough for the day? Do you always forget to drink water? Keeping your body adequately hydrated can help you keep your skin healthy while also achieving weight loss results.

Drink water tracker - a hydration partner that will always remind you to drink more water, keep track of your water intake, make sure your body is well stay hydrated, and help you develop a good habit of water drinking.

Drinking too little or too much can hurt your body, don't worry you only need to provide your gender and weight, this water drinking reminder app will determine how much water intake your body needs every day. This hydration helper are not only a water intake tracker, but also remind you when it's your next drink to keep your body healthier and always stay hydrated.

💧What is the benefit to stay hydrated(H2O)?💧
1. Drinking water helps maintain fluid balance.
2. Water does not contain calories. Drinking more water can help you achieve weight loss
3. water helps to activate muscles and promote muscle growth and recovery.
4. consuming enough water will make your skin look better and healthier.
5. Water can help your body detoxify and promote digestion

⭐️Drink water reminder key feature⭐️
• Automatically calculate the amount of water you need or drink per day based on your weight and gender.
• Smart reminder to remind you drink water regularly and also tell you when to drink water next
• A great water tracker that effectively tracks your daily water intake
• Intuitive graph to track your progress
• Various beverage(wine, coffee, juices etc) to choose from
• Add your own cup

In this modern age, drinking water regularly can be a big challenge. This water reminder app makes it easier to help you consume enough water. It can even help you lose weight and prevent certain diseases.

What are you waiting for? Hydration has never been easier with this hydration reminder. Download this remind me to drink water app today!
Oxirgi yangilanish
10-avg, 2024

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In this version(2.0) we:
- Enhance support for android 15