DashCommand (OBD ELM App)

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Transform your Android device into a customizable display and monitoring system. DashCommand puts you in control - Monitor and data log engine and vehicle performance, fuel economy, and instantly read and clear troublesome check engine lights, all with the easy to use DashCommand app.

This app also features a professional skidpad showing lateral and accel/braking Gs with min/max indicators, a race track that visually maps out your location, acceleration and braking as you drive laps around the track, an inclinometer that shows rolling angle and vehicle pitch for off-roading, and the ability to data log, record and playback log files showing OBD-II and acceleration data.

DashCommand is a SEMA Show 1st runner-up for best mobile electronics product and four-time SEMA Global Media Award winner!

DISCLAIMER: DashCommand requires a compatible third-party hardware interface, purchased separately, to communicate with the vehicle.

DashCommand supports all OBD-II and EOBD compliant vehicles sold worldwide. Please verify that your vehicle is OBD-II/EOBD compliant before purchasing! Not all OBD-II compliant vehicles will have support for all of these parameters.

Manufacturer-specific data is available for select vehicles, through In-App purchase.

OBD-II Hardware compatibility:
- Auto Meter DashLink
- PLX Kiwi 3 and Kiwi 4
- OBDLink MX+
- ELM compatible WiFi
- GoPoint BT1

Watch a video on DashCommand:

For suggested hardware, see: http://palmerperformance.com/hardware
Oxirgi yangilanish
31-okt, 2023

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