Rotation | Orientation Manager

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Rotation is a tool to manage the device screen orientation. It offers all the modes that Android supports and can be configured according to the apps or various events like call, lock, headset, charging and dock. Let's give it a try to explore its other features.


• Auto-rotate on • Auto-rotate off
• Forced auto-rotate • Forced portrait • Forced landscape
• Reverse portrait • Reverse landscape • Sensor portrait • Sensor landscape
• Forced full sensor • Lock Current – Lock current orientation

• Call orientation • Lock orientation • Headset orientation
• Charging orientation • Dock orientation • App orientation
• Events priority - Customizable events preference in case of two or more events occur simultaneously.

On demand
# Change the orientation of the foreground app or events with a fully customizable floating head (or notification or tile) available on the top of supported tasks.

• A dynamic theme engine with background-aware functionality to avoid any visibility issues.

• Start on boot • Notification • Vibration and more.
• Widgets, shortcuts and notification tiles to perform various operations.
# Rotation extension to automate over 40 actions via Locale / Tasker plugin.

• Quick setup to configure major features at once.
• Dedicated support section to troubleshoot general issues.
# Perform backup and restore operations to save and load the app settings.

Features marked with # are paid and Rotation Key is required to use them.

English, Deutsch, Español, Indonesia, Italiano, Português, Русский, Türkçe, 中文 (简体), 中文 (繁體)

Internet access – To display ads in free version.
Retrieve running apps – To detect foreground app.
Usage statistics (Android 5.0+) – To detect foreground app.
Modify system settings – To change display orientation settings.
Draw over other apps – To change foreground orientation.
Read device state and identity – To change the phone call orientation.
Run at startup – To start service when the device boots up.
Control vibration – To vibrate device when orientation changes.
Post notifications (Android 13 and above) – To show notifications that help (and are required) in keeping the service running during various restrictions.
Modify USB storage (Android 4.3 and below) – To create and restore backup.

It uses an accessibility service to provide a better experience and to force the lock screen orientation on Android 8.0+ devices. It will not access window content or any other sensitive data.
Rotation > Conditions > Events > Accessibility.


- Buy Rotation Key for more features and to support the development.
- In case of bugs/issues, please contact me via email for better support.
- Some apps might not work properly when forced to work in certain orientations. Use Auto-rotate on/off from conditions to use system settings for those apps.
- Reverse portrait is disabled on some Xiaomi (MIUI) devices with the default launcher. Please try any other launcher (home screen) to make it work.

Android is a trademark of Google LLC.
Oxirgi yangilanish
9-avg, 2024

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