The 3D Model Viewer app offers user to view 3d files such as obj/stl/dae within phone also the app loads files fast and with no issues. The viewer app is optimised for mobile device to provide best experience while exploring 3d models. Preview 3D models in android app. Load local 3d files and view the files. Formats supported currently: *.OBJ, *.STL and *.DAE
The app comes with some included 3D models:
Main features: * Formats: OBJ (wavefront), STL (STereoLithography) & DAE (Collada) * calculation of normals * transformations: scaling, rotation, translation * colors * textures * lighting * wireframe & points mode * bounding box drawing * object selection * camera support! * tap to select object * drag to move camera * rotate with 2 fingers to rotate camera * pinch & spread to zoom in/out the camera * skeletal animations (collada) * ray collision detection * stereoscopic 3D
A high-performance mobile 3D viewer and a platform that lets you preview your 3D models.
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-sen, 2024
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25-aprel, 2020
Ilova juda yaxshi sodda. Ammo DCIM faylida qolib ketar ekan shunisi aybi.