AutoTempest - Car search

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AutoTempest aggregates millions of listings from the top car listings sites in the USA and Canada, including, Truecar, eBay Motors, Carvana, Hemmings, Cars & Bids, Carsoup, and more. We also generate comparison links for other large sites like Autotrader and Cargurus, as well as classifieds like Facebook Marketplace and craigslist, nationwide.

Why spend time searching a bunch of different sites (or apps) separately when you can get everything in one place, and avoid missing the car you're looking for? AutoTempest makes it easy to find your ideal car, wherever it's listed. It's the smart way to find next car.
" - All the cars. One search."

Q: What is the point of the app when I can just use the website?

A: If you're happy using AutoTempest in your browser and don't want to use the app, no problem! We will always try to include all features and support all devices on the website. If you're searching for cars regularly though and want a faster way to get into it, maybe the app is for you.

Q: How come you don't have this car from Cargurus/Autotrader/Facebook?

A: AutoTempest pulls together listings from many of the top car listings sites, including, Truecar, Carvana, eBay, and many more. That said, there are a few whose listings we don't have direct access to. However, to make your search as easy as possible, we do still link to matching search results from those sites. So you actually can see all their listings matching your search; just click the comparison links at the end of our results. No need to visit multiple sites (or apps) and re-enter your search.

Q: Is the app finished, or do you have more features planned?

A: We're working on improving the advanced search first, to make it more intuitive. Later we'll be adding an optional login to share favorite searches and listings between app and web, and across devices, as well as the ability to manage saved searches and, eventually, saved and ignored vehicles, all from the app. After that, let us know what you'd like to see.

If you have any other questions or feedback, please feel free to leave us a review, or to contact us at We read and reply to all emails.
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-noy, 2024

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