No Jump Cardio

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49 ta sharh
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-burn calories without jumps and jolts
-suitable for retinal and joint issues
-low impact but effective
-moves and music are designed to entertain you while you workout.

I created this app for people that had to give up running and jumping. Sometimes it's a joint problem, other times you need to avoid jolts to protect your eyes if you have a retina problem or have had retinal detachments.

In these cases it is sometimes difficult to find an effective aerobic workout. No jumping jacks, skips and jumps.
Many apps have them and it's a bit hard to follow up having to skip these exercises every time.
Here you will find 5 different workouts to warm you up, do aerobic exercise, sweat and burn fat even if you can’t run.You can do these exercises at home.

Make sure you have enough space around you, we will move back and forth and sideways. You will burn calories, tone your muscles and increase blood circulation.These workouts can be handy even if you don’t have problems but you feel more tired than usual and prefer a softer aerobic session.

I promise you this will be effective. If at the beginning you find them too intense, do what you can and continue to move slower with the music until you are ready to start again. If any of these movements causes you pain, stop immediately.

For any information, advice or to report bugs, please email me at
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-iyn, 2021

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