Nature Sounds: Stress relief

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Nature Sounds LITE provides the sounds of nature and binaural beat brainwave sounds to reduce stress and help you feel more stable.
This app includes various sounds of nature that help you relax, such as the sound of waves from the deep blue sea, the sound of an owl on a quiet winter night under the full moon, the sound of logs burning white ash to rid yourself of daily worries, the sound of sacred bells in a mountain temple, the beautiful sound of birds that awaken forest spirits, the sound of rain that washes away sadness on a summer day, and the sound of a frog that soothes loneliness. It also provides binaural beat brainwave sounds for deep sleep, theta waves for deep meditation, alpha waves to help you focus and stabilize your brainwaves, and binaural beat noise to help you forget surrounding noises.

Binaural beat brainwave sounds provide the effect of stabilizing brainwaves by transmitting sounds of different frequencies to each ear, corresponding to brainwave frequencies.

All sounds can be played individually and volume adjusted so you can mix and create your own sounds. You can create the sound of the beach on a summer day with a bonfire burning, or the sound of birds singing in time with the sacred bells in a temple. If you need to focus on your work or study, listening to alpha waves can help bring out your potential. If you suffer from insomnia, you can play delta waves to induce sleep and set a timer to stop playing after a certain amount of time. Playing sounds of nature can also help you dream of peacefully walking in a beautiful forest.

Through background playback, you can listen to all sounds even when you turn off the screen, and you can also play sounds simultaneously with other music apps. You can listen to your favorite music in nature or watch internet lectures with alpha waves to aid in learning.

The included compass in the app helps you find your way.
Go on a journey into nature following the light of peace, beyond the waves of exhausting daily life.
Oxirgi yangilanish
14-apr, 2023

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