132 ta sharh
10 ming+
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“EXILIM Link” is a very useful application that allows you to copy images to your smartphone or tablet using the Wi-Fi function of your CASIO digital camera or to use your smartphone or tablet as a remote control for the camera.

Main functions of the application are as follows:

Allows you to copy images stored in the camera to smartphones and tablets

Allows you to view copied images in album mode and forward them to SNS

Allows you to remotely operate your camera to capture images(only supports FR10)

Allows you to change the camera’s SSID and password(only supports FR10)

[Compatible digital camera]

[Compatible OS]
Android 4.0 – 6.0

Connection with the camera may be affected when using a smartphone or other device with a function for “automatically switching Wi-Fi networks (Auto network switch)”. Please disable the function (Auto network switch).
Oxirgi yangilanish
7-may, 2015

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121 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

Added the full screen mode