nRF Device Firmware Update

101 ta sharh
50 ming+
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nRF Device Firmware Update is a mobile app for updating nRF5 SDK firmware using Bluetooth Low Energy as a transport. It can update the firmware of nRF51 or nRF52 Series SoCs having an nRF5 SDK Secure Bootloader (v12.0.0 or newer) or an nRF5 SDK legacy bootloader (v4.3.0-11.0.0).

The firmware should be in .zip file format, prepared using nRF Util ( The firmware can be selected from the local storage on the Android device or downloaded from cloud using a deep-link (see for details).

Note: The app can't be used to update firmware developed with the nRF Connect SDK. In that case then the nRF Connect Device Manager mobile app must be used.
Oxirgi yangilanish
25-okt, 2024

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92 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

This version fixes several issues, including:
- DFU when the screen is off
- Improved error handling
- Increased DFU speed on bonded devices
- Some visual improvements