Cyfer Health Watchdog Lite

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This is a support app for the Cyfer Health system. It ensures that Cyfer Health Client and/or Cyfer Health Monitor are running.

The server part of the Cyfer Health system has not yet been released but the client app, the message alert app (available separately), the remote control app and this app (Cyfer Health Watchdog) are operable in a standalone mode.
The Cyfer Health system monitors the heart rates of clients or "patients". It is primarily aimed at health care organisations but will be also of interest to those with elderly or vulnerable relatives. It uses low cost (~£20/$25 one-off cost) health bands to detect the heart rates and, optionally, daily step counts.
Suggested health bands include the Xiaomi MI Smart Band 5 and 6, and Amazfit bands.
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-sen, 2023

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Now targets SDK33