Western Bulldogs Official App

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The Western Bulldogs Official App is your one stop shop for all your latest team News, Videos, Player Profiles, Scores and Stats delivered LIVE to your smartphone or tablet!

Features include:
- LIVE scores and stats for every game of the 2024 Toyota AFL Premiership Season
- Match Centre, including new team and player stats, and in-game video highlights
- My Club section with access to exclusive features for club members and My Bulldogs Account holders
- Team Stats section showing how the club shapes up against competition averages
- Improved Player profiles with additional stats and player information
- Video on Demand to watch match highlights and press conferences while you’re on the run
- Latest News & Videos from the club
- Player profiles for every current player, including bio, related articles and video, plus season and career stats
- Team Selections as they are announced
- Match details for the season including Fixture, Results and Ladder
- Alerts to your phone for club news, team announcements and match starts
- Team song audio and lyrics
- Follow your club social channels including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
- Visit the Bulldogs Shop
- Manage your tickets without leaving the app
Oxirgi yangilanish
19-apr, 2024

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