Tag line: A doctor alone treats patients, a doctors’ team cures patients
Our Mission: To be leading, trusted, digital platform for quality health guidance at your place.
The problem:
The time has proved it again! The primary care medical fraternities have always been the backbone of every health care system. In developing countries like India where the health care system is overburdened, the primary care physicians have dual responsibilities- to play their own role of primer care providers and also to cater the need for the specialized care well beyond their boundaries of expertise. This is due to overburdened handful of experts and superspecialists located in geographically diverse places. Many a times the person in need is not informed enough to decide which expert service he requires for the particular ailment resulting in huge wastage of resources and precious time.
The solution: Cureboon!! (an online system meant for cases you otherwise refer)
To address the issue and fill the gap between primary care physician and specialized consultants, a digital e platform has been envisioned in the form of CureboonTM which would amalgamate the comfort of visiting one’s family physician in their neighbourhood with expert advice from a distantly placed superspecialist of choice! The communication will be an expert to expert (E to E) communication so that without wasting time and unnecessary expenditure, the patient would get proper advice through his own family physician after paying some nominal charge.
Now there may be no need to refer case to a distant place. If the case scenario permits, online consultation can be conducted, through Cureboon.