EASY TOWING is the result of a lot of sturdies about tow truck services. This app was developed for Tow truck drivers, we connect them with all customers around 6 miles in question of seconds. We reduce the waiting time from 1h to only 60 seconds the time needs by a user to fill the request. Easy Towing helps Drivers to receive jobs all the days, create an interaction between customer who need TOWING SERVICE. Easy towing offers the drivers the next options.
- Choose their working hours.
- Become visible for all car drivers around them
- Receive tow truck request
- Select the trips to accept
- Live Contact with the customers
- Get variety of payment methods
- Receive their payment instantly
The prices we offer are based on the estimate of the vehicle’s sizes, distances, and duration of the trip. Based in (IA) Intelligence Artificial algorithm we take the control of the prices
After every towing service you can submit a rating with a comment about the customers.
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Email: info@easytowing.net