Pay slip 2021 app
Pay slip is a periodic invoice for employees and must contain the statutory calculations. This billing document for the sake of clarity should be with detailed content. The list should be comprehensible and understandable.
Gross remuneration as a monthly payment
The following types of reference can also be used:
• Payment in kind - motor vehicle, apartment or consumer goods and services, credit, ...
• Overtime according to §68 / 1 and 2 in tax-free and compulsory portions
• Travel expenses §26 / 4 in tax-free and compulsory portions
• Special payments such as vacation allowances, Christmas bonuses, anniversary bonuses, bonuses, bonus payments and others.
• Continued payment of remuneration §8 if entitlement has not been exhausted.
• Commuter flat rate / commuter euro
• Exemption according to notification
• Family bonus + for children under 18 or over 18 years old.
• Supplementary insurance for employees
• Social security calculation days
Gross salary as the assessment basis for the deduction calculation
The following calculations are deducted from this:
• Insurance assessment base and contribution for regular remuneration
• Insurance assessment base and contribution for special payments
• Income tax for current payments, taking into account the tax exemption according to the notification, commuter flat-rate, commuter euro and family bonus +.
• Income tax for special payments, taking into account the tax exemption and annual sixth
• union dues
• Payment on account
Net payment as the result
Pay slip 2021 app
Pay slip 2021 endeavors to create a functional representation in accordance with the above-mentioned provisions, using self-generated data or entering data to create an immediate result. The results contain the calculations based on the current tariff tables and insurance rates and limit values for the year 2021.
Generate data button
As a random generator for payments and overtime:
Is a random generator for gross receipts, children, survival, allowances and travel expenses. When generating, the hourly rate is determined then only the hours are generated, then the statutory provisions for §68 / 1 and 2 are applied.
As a random generator for travel expenses:
In the case of travel expenses, the days and hours are generated first, a meal deduction is also created at random and the days are assumed for accommodation allowances. Kilometers for trips are also generated randomly and thus the tax-free shares are calculated according to §26 / 4, daily allowance, kilometer allowance and overnight accommodation allowance.
Enter reference amount:
A payslip will be created for you, your input is accepted as the gross salary and assessment basis, after calculating the deductions you have the net salary. With each deduction calculation you can see an info line how it was calculated.
You have the option of activating the Family Bonus + with a regulator for children under 18 or over 18 years old, you can see the result especially in the income tax deduction line.
You have the option of changing the type of payment, whether it is a current monthly payment or a special payment for vacation or Christmas bonus, you can see the result in the social security and income tax deduction lines, where you have to take into account the tax exemption and the preferential tax rate.
Thank you in advance and hope for your satisfaction