Become a full-time HomeChef, and earn money on all orders that you cook!
Choose either Self-delivery where you deliver the order yourself to the customer and earn delivery charges or choose homenu delivery where you cook and we deliver the order for you to the customer.
Easy to Register!
Download the App, Fill out the registration form and let us bring you onboard as HomeChef.
Flexibility to work!
Choose your own working hours and cook at your own convenience. Close the kitchen when you are done for the day online!
Earn Money online!
With the homenu Chef App, you will earn twice a month for all the orders that you serve in a month. Submit your Account details with us and get paid online!
We Support you!
Seamless support is available for any queries you have during registration or while selling orders. Our team is here to help you at every step!
Cook! Earn! Sell! Repeat...