Alex Strachan
I like the simple concept of this but it doesn't work in my circumstances as the weather source used isn't accurate for Melbourne, Australia. If there was an option to change the weather source to the BoM (bureau of meteorology) like other apps like Aus Weather use, and integrate an extended forecast view, this would be a great app!
6 people found this review helpful
November 25, 2021
Hello Alex,
We just released a large update which improves weather data accuracy significantly if you can try again.
Regina White
I do keep bees and this helps me to determine if I want to open up my beehives or not. I also use it as a daily weather app. it doesn't show radar or anything it just tells me the highs and the lows of the day, how windy it will be and what the chance of rain will be for the day. I believe I can see one or two weeks ahead. so far I've had this app for almost a year and I enjoy it and open the app at least every other day.
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