Thomas “T.J.” Fitzgerald
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Pros: notifications to take a break can be customized; service can be stopped easily if you need your screen on w/o interruption. Cons: can't adjust break length or time between breaks; service sometimes stops even with battery optimization turned off (which could be the fault of my phone not the app); there's no way to see how long you have until the next break is due.
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Kasey Thach
Inconsistent which makes me sad. The concept of the app is excellent, and I really do appreciate the app when it does work properly, however I find it stops working after every once in a while. I have enabled all the permissions and services for the app, and I always start the service using the orange button inside the app as well as never force stop or end the service for the app, but it always eventually stops reminding me after a few cycles. I wish it was more consistent by working 100%.
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A Google user
Love it. So many similar apps just have a 20-minute timer, which continues counting down (often in an obnoxious ever-present notification) and continue counting even if your phone is turned off! This is the first app I've found that resets the 20 minutes if you turn off your phone screen. This makes sense because if your screen is off, you're obviously already taking a break from it! The one improvement I'd like to see would be an option to blacklist certain apps, so that the timer is paused (or at least notifications hidden) when that app is on-screen, and/or when an app is in full-screen immersive mode. Things like Waze, Google Maps, etc. or full-screen movies shouldn't be interrupted by eye breaks. I wrote an email to the developer and they responded very quickly that they'd like to include these ideas in the next version of the app!
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