An offline app to access
ONE Bible Tools KJV+
KJV+ (King James Bible with Strongs Concordance) are non-copyright material. This bible was created for the purposes of studying the bible using integrated Strong's Concordance. The bible is made from simple HTML and JavaScript files. It runs in any modern WebBrowser, on a website or offline on a USB stick (no Internet required). Please share.
Commercial products should give proper attribution.
Thank you for supplying digital versions of KJV & Strongs.
Thank you also to E-Sword, we found everyone's KJV+Strongs text was slightly different so standardized on E-Sword text layout.
Strongs websites such as are much better, but then they require an Internet connection. Use the link to (bottom of Strongs dialog) to lookup extra detail.
= Web sites =
Great site for truth using Strongs :
Download E-Sword - Recommended KJV+ application for all platforms.