Small Business Dream (SmallBizDream) the ultimate Mobile Sales Automation, Marketing Automation and Email Marketing tool has now gone mobile.
SmallBizDream allows to effectively collect, control, and utilize your Customer Database to dramatically increase the sales of any business!
Small Business Dream's Sales Automation and Email Marketing Automation functions allow you to master:
1. Customer Communication
2. Customer Education
3. Customer Acquisition
5. Customer Feedback
By utilizing features like:
Landing Pages
Sales Funnels
Contact Manager
Online Surveys and Data Collection Forms
Automated Email Follow up (autoresponders or auto responders)
Semi-Automation for social media follow up by SMS, Text Messaging, Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Kik.
By effectively using SmallBizDream's sales and Email Marketing Automation functions, you will save valuable time, give better customer service, and have the magic available to push a button or two and bring your customers back to buy more.