Tami Campbell
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**A year later edit. This app is a scam I feel like. Once your score drops, you can't get it back up. My score dropped 10 points in one week because of 3 events, I reported issues on 2 and got a generic response. A week later, with no issues, no increase. I canceled my insurance last night and went with a company that was cheaper even without the "discount." App stresses me out, lol
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Linda Craig
The scoring doesn't make any sense. In the last 90 days (or even 6 months) if I average each trip score the #'s don't match. Also, hard braking results do not seem to make sense; if the phone moves, you get dinged, and the data would indicate that you had to have run into something. There is no way to get bad scores adjusted when things happen that are not driving related.
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Peggy Patché - Vind
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It constantly wants to have full location access, I have it set to all the time, all access, all the buttons are in the on position, but every 15 minutes,I'll get a notification that says it needs to be turned on .. but it is on.. 😑 I honestly don't go out very often, but when I do go anywhere, like to the Dr. or to run errands, I'm within 5 miles of my home.. It also says it's recording my trip when I am at home in bed trying to sleep. No one has access to my phone or car. 🤔🤨
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