Ilovada siz 1 daqiqada raqamni onlayn ravishda ulashingiz, faqat kerakli xizmatlarni yig'ishingiz va ortiqcha to'lov qilmasligingiz mumkin.
"OQ"da siz o'z kartangizni ulagan holda aloqa uchun to'lovlarni amalga oshirishingiz va kartadan kartaga pul o'tkazishingiz mumkin.
Shuningdek, OQ turli xil kontentga kirish imkonini beradi. Musiqa tinglang, TV, shou, filmlar va seriallarni tomosha qiling, o'yinlarni o'ynang va sovrinli tanlovlarda ishtirok eting.
OQ – ortiqcha hech narsa.
OQ is a mobile communication application that contains only the services you need.
In it you can connect a number online in 1 minute, collect only what you need into your tariff and not pay for what is unnecessary.
In OQ you can link your bank card to pay for communications and transfer money from card to card.
OQ also opens access to content. Listen to music, watch TV, shows, movies and series, play games and take part in prize draws.
OQ – nothing superfluous.
OQ is a mobile communication app that contains only what you need.
In OQ you can connect a number online in 1 minute, collect only what you need into your tariff and not pay for what is unnecessary.
In OQ you can add your bank card to pay for communications and transfer money from card to card.
OQ also provides access to content. Listen to music, watch TV, shows, movies and series, play games and take part in prize draws.
OQ – nothing but essentials.