Salman A.
It's an excellent concept to offer Live Classes, but the execution by the team falls short. Offering live sessions is a fantastic initiative, but it's frustrating when participants can't access them due to a lack of shared links. The sessions should be easily accessible through the website or app, yet the "Join session" option remains inactive. Additionally, the lack of timely responses to emails adds to the frustration.
2 people found this review helpful

Shridutta Pachori
App is good and filled with good piece of info but it is bit boring and has annoyingly small fonts (nned not to say fonts are super boring too). I was searching for dark mode as I use it often in the night but their implementation makes app look like zebra ... Black and white and dono what all it became. Quiz next and back buttons aretoo tiny to click on them.. this app is a good canidate for UI/UX review.
3 people found this review helpful
Dear User, Thank you for your suggestions. We will try and incorporate them upcoming versions.

kzfitnez made easy
Really liked the way tutorial are made and the simplicity with which the trainer teaches, that really makes one understand the basis. Just one advice for Zerodha to add paper trading in either Varsity or Zerodha so beginners doesn't have to hop to a third app to try their hands with risk free trading. That would be beautiful if all of that comes into one umbrella one app.