Bluespend is a platform that speeds up the records of expenses (CFDI for Mexico and receipts for general expenses), performs checks and / or returns of expense reports, generates detailed expense reports and automates the writing of policies in various accounting systems.
By having a membership in Bluespend, you can download the free application and have access to all the unlimited features and updates of new features of the application.
If you don't have a membership yet, you can register on the product page at
a) Checks. Users can upload multiple checks to the application and know in detail what status of the process their verification is going to, in case there is any expense that was rejected, users will be able to see the reason and upload the expense again.
b) Load of CFDIs. Users can upload the CFDIs of expenses issued by the SAT in Mexico by uploading the XML or scanning the QR code of the expense. The application validates that the fiscal folio (UUID) of the CFDI is not repeated, that the RFC (tax id) and postal code of the company is correct, that the CFDI is in force on the SAT and that the provider that has issued the CFDI of expense is not considered EFO type (company listed on the SAT blacklist for failing to comply with the Mexican tax rule for simulating invoices).
c) Load receipts. Users may upload a photograph of the non-fiscal expenses incurred in Mexico and abroad to send their expenses for authorization and subsequent reimbursement or verification of the expenses.