Gimme Apps
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For some reason it has stopped blocking ads. I changed nothing, it updated in March & at the beginning of this week - June, I see lots of big chunky ads & distractors, ads I have to interact with to minimize them. It's bothersome. And it's still happening on my new phone. What's the deal? I get error messages saying it's no longer working. Have you considered fixing that?
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Dave Wilde (WildeDaveAble)
This app used to work well since it was designed for the Samsung Internet Browser. NOT ANYMORE, now it's just taking up space on my phone. After the last update, the app quit working. I figured that there was going to be a bug fix or update, but I was wrong. Im completely uninstalling ABP and SIB. I like the browser, but I refuse to deal with ads. PERIOD! ABP really blew it.
83 people found this review helpful

Nathan Pumphrey
It worked for a couple years, but suddenly stopped blocking the ads. I checked for updates, redownloaded the ad blocker, and redownloaded the internet browser I use. Still failing to block all the video ads. It worked good up until then. I would suggest trying a different ad blocker until they release an update that fixes this issue.
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