Burning: A Paranormal Novella

Joan De La Haye · AI հնչյունավորումը՝ Anya (Google-ից)
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AI-ի կողմից հնչյունավորված
Ուզո՞ւմ եք 15 ր տևողությամբ անվճար օրինակը։ Լսեք ցանկացած ժամանակ, նույնիսկ առանց ինտերնետի։ 

Այս աուդիոգրքի մասին

She thought she could summon a lover but got a demon instead.

When the lonely witch, Marcie Grove, grows weary of her dismal love life, she dares to summon a lover using a transformative full moon ritual. Little does she know that her desperate attempt to find romance will ignite a dangerous encounter with a malevolent demon, threatening not only her existence but also the lives of her coven members. As the chilling consequences unravel with explosive intensity, Burning immerses readers in a scorching tale of dark desires and mystical mayhem.

Step into a twisted world and prepare to be ensnared in an inferno of suspense and supernatural intrigue that will leave you spellbound.

Praise for “Burning”:

“Verdict: A horror story that uses its eroticism to chilling effect. 8/10” – Sci-Fi Bulletin

“Worth every minute and great for a commute, lunch break or time for yourself.” – Horror Blog.

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