Doctor Who: Remembrance of the Daleks: A 7th Doctor novelisation

· BBC Digital Audio · Lukija: Nicholas Briggs ja Terry Molloy
4 h 57 min
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Tietoa tästä äänikirjasta

An unabridged reading of Ben Aaronovitch's novelisation of his classic 1988 TV adventure featuring the Seventh Doctor.

With unfinished business to attend to, the Doctor takes Ace to Coal Hill School in London, 1963.
The last time he was here, he left something behind - a powerful Time Lord artefact that could unlock the secrets of time travel.

Can the Doctor retrieve the Hand of Omega before two rival factions of Daleks track it down? And even if he can, how will he prevent the whole of London becoming a war zone as the Daleks meet in explosive confrontation?

The story is read by Terry Molloy, who played Davros in the original TV serial, with Dalek voices provided by Nicholas Briggs.

Tietoja kirjoittajasta

Nicholas Briggs has been a prolific Doctor Who contributor since 1999, when he began work on the Big Finish Doctor Who audio dramas, for which he has written and directed extensively and is now Executive Producer. Nick is also an actor, and since Doctor Who’s return to television in 2005, he’s worked on set with all four of the new Doctors as the voice of the Daleks (also providing the voice of the Cybermen, and other aliens). Having spent most of his life in London, Nick now lives in Dorset with his wife and son, where he hopes life will be more peaceful... But, so far, London keeps dragging him back.

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