Mainyu Is alive.
Neil and Riagan discover that while on a mission on Siavash, the Dahaka home planet. But for reasons they cannot fathom, the Space City Council will not go after him. To make matters worse, Space City scientists are secretly supporting the Dahaka. With the loss of Rois, this is a betrayal Neil and Riagan cannot except.
Maellyn Is recruited to lead a team of students to help stop a deadly funal outbreak among the Alfar on Ourania. And unexpected connections arise between the scientists and the outbreak. Who is responsible? How do they stop the outbreak? And will what they cannon say or do ruin everything before they find answers?
Jared Austin is a young adult science fiction author who lives in the Rocket City -- Huntsville, Alabama. In Space City and the books in the series to follow, he hopes to show and inspire his daughter and son, as well as all of his readers, that science and technology are not dull subjects, but gateways to a brighter, exciting future.