Nosferatu, Inc.: Fangs & Fur, Book 3

Fangs & Fur Book 3 · Amber Book Company · AI-narrated by Mason (from Google)
8 hr 22 min
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About this audiobook

Nosferatu, a worldwide corporation set up to provide relocation services for vampires, who cannot remain in one place indefinitely, lest the "breathers" question why they never age.The battle for control of Nosferatu, Inc. begins as 5,000-year-old Malik, the first vampire and Regina, queen of the demonic vampires known as the Empusae, launch a global attack, while Dracula and his Legion of the Undead attempt a hostile takeover.

The werewolf clans return, some to protect a pregnant vampire and others intent on destroying Nosferatu, Inc. And the Egyptian cat goddess Bast learns the secret of the mummy.

First introduced in the Halos and Horns fantasy saga, these vampires and lycanthropes have their own stories to tell.

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