Of Boys and Men: Why the Modern Male Is Struggling, Why It Matters, and What to Do about It

· Blackstone Publishing · Richard V. Reevesৰ দ্বাৰা বর্ণিত
৪ টা পৰ্যালোচনা
6 ঘণ্টা 55 মিনিট
এটা বিনামূলীয়া 5 মিনিটৰ নমুনা লাগে নেকি? যিকোনো সময়তে শুনক, আনকি অফলাইন হৈ থাকোঁতেও। 
যোগ কৰক

এই অডিঅ’বুকখনৰ বিষয়ে

A positive vision for masculinity in a postfeminist world

Boys and men are struggling. Profound economic and social changes of recent decades have many losing ground in the classroom, the workplace, and in the family. While the lives of women have changed, the lives of many men have remained the same or even worsened.

Our attitudes, our institutions, and our laws have failed to keep up. Conservative and progressive politicians, mired in their own ideological warfare, fail to provide thoughtful solutions.

The father of three sons, a journalist, and a Brookings Institution scholar, Richard V. Reeves has spent twenty-five years worrying about boys both at home and work. His new book, Of Boys and Men, tackles the complex and urgent crisis of boyhood and manhood.

Reeves looks at the structural challenges that face boys and men and offers fresh and innovative solutions that turn the page on the corrosive narrative that plagues this issue. Of Boys and Men argues that helping the other half of society does not mean giving up on the ideal of gender equality.

মূল্যাংকন আৰু পৰ্যালোচনাসমূহ

৪ টা পৰ্যালোচনা

লিখকৰ বিষয়ে

Richard V. Reeves is a senior fellow in Economic Studies at the Brookings Institution, where he directs the Boys and Men Project and holds the John C. and Nancy D. Whitehead Chair. He is the author of John Stuart Mill: Victorian Firebrand (2007) and Dream Hoarders (2017).

এই অডিঅ’বুকখনৰ মূল্যাংকন কৰক

আমাক আপোনাৰ মতামত জনাওক।

অডিঅ'বুক শুনাৰ নির্দেশাৱলী

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