The Edge of the Abyss

· Abyss Surrounds Us Część 2 · Tantor Media Inc · Czyta Nancy Wu
7 godz. 48 min
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Informacje o audiobooku

Three weeks have passed since Cassandra Leung pledged her allegiance to ruthless pirate-queen Santa Elena and set free Bao, the sea monster Reckoner she'd been forced to train. The days as a pirate trainee are long and grueling, but it's not the physical pain that Cas dreads most. It's being forced to work with Swift, the pirate girl who broke her heart. But Cas has even bigger problems when she discovers Boa is not the only a monster swimming free. Other Reckoners illegally sold to pirates have escaped their captors and are taking the NeoPacific by storm, attacking ships at random and ruining the ocean ecosystem. As a Reckoner trainer, Cas might be the only one who can stop them. But how can she take up arms against the creatures she used to care for and protect? Will Cas embrace the murky morals that life as a pirate brings or perish in the dark waters of the NeoPacific?

O autorze

Emily Skrutskie holds a BA in performing and media arts from Cornell University, where she studied an outrageous and demanding combination of film, computer science, and game design. She is the author of The Abyss Surrounds Us series, Hullmetal Girls, and the Bloodright Trilogy. She lives and writes in Los Angeles.

Nancy Wu has done voice-over animation and narrated audiobooks since 2004. A New York theater, TV, and film actor, she has won multiple Library Journal and AudioFile Earphones Awards. Narrating across genres, she is known for varied character voices and bringing stories vividly to life.

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