第一章 藤田東湖
第二章? お庭方
第三章 呪い釘
第四章 昇平丸
第五章 天変地異
第六章 篤姫御婚儀
第七章 新しい弟子
第八章 東奔西走
Takamori Saiko(2)
This Manga depicts the story of Takamori Saiko, who was considered one of the three great nobles in the Meiji restoration. The black ship from America broke the closed state of Japan which had been last for 250 years. The galaxy stars like Takamori Saiko ,Ichizo Okubo were born in that troubled times. How did Saiko find out who he was and the way to turn to be so big? It is one book that may change your life too!
?史漫画巨匠的衡山正道将用漫画描??新三杰之一的西?隆盛。美国的�K船打破了??250年的?国状?。 ?代?入了乱世。 与此同?西?隆盛,大久保一藏等英雄也?始活?。巨人西?将如何找?他的宿命并度?自己的一生? ?将会是改??人生的一本漫画。