101 Quick Tips: Effective Communication: Effective Communication

· Verkoop deur Penguin Random House New Zealand Limited

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Want to be more memorable and persuasive? Whether you're talking to a client, writing an email or just entertaining over the dinner table, you have to know and practice essential techniques for getting your message across. Debbie is a bestselling author, columnist, media commentator and one of the most successful, sought-after speakers at business conferences around the world. With 101 Quick Tips: Effective Communication, you'll learn how to be an unforgettable storyteller, negotiator and conversationalist!

Meer oor die skrywer

Debbie Mayo-Smith is a number one best-selling author and globally recognised leading email and productivity expert. After earning a Double Honours BS Degree in Economics and Geography from Southern Connecticut University, Debbie worked as a market analyst on Wall Street. One of the most sought-after speakers and authors in Australasia, Debbie now lives in Auckland, New Zealand, with her husband Steve and their six children. From New York to China, Sydney to London, Debbie has inspired, motivated and educated thousands with her practical tips, how-to books, videos and presentations.

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