400 Calorie Fix: The Easy New Rule for Permanent Weight Loss!

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· Сатушысы: Rodale Books
4 пікір
Электрондық кітап

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The latest research shows that controlling calories is consistently the most successful weight loss method. Of course, counting calories is nothing new. But only 15 percent of us know how many calories we should eat to maintain a healthy weight. Most of us don't know how many calories are in the foods we eat. And most of us don't really want to have to count calories.

Now from Flat Belly Diet! author Liz Vaccariello comes 400 Calorie Fix, which makes it easy to spot and control calories. 400 Calorie Fix has no banned ingredients, no magic foods, and no complicated rules. You'll learn how to eat with the 400 calorie "lens"—the essential tool they need to assess portion sizes for all types of food at a glance.

The book makes calorie control easy and delicious with 400 tasty 400-calorie recipes, quick-fix (nocook) meals, and options that make it easy to dine out, whether you're chowing down on a fast- food burger or hosting a family cookout.

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4 пікір

Авторы туралы

LIZ VACCARIELLO is the former editor-in-chief of Prevention, the nation's #1 healthy lifestyle magazine, and coauthor of the New York Times bestseller Flat Belly Diet!. She resides in South Orange, NJ.

MINDY HERMANN, RD, is a nutritionist, author, and food expert. She is coauthor of the award-winning American Medical Association Family Health Cookbook. She lives in Westchester County, NY.

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