A Kidnapped Mind: A Mother's Heartbreaking Story of Parental Alienation Syndrome

· Dundurn

O tej e-knjigi

How do we begin to describe our love for our children? Pamela Richardson shows us with her passionate memoir of life with and without her estranged son, Dash. From age five Dash suffered Parental Alienation Syndrome at the hands of his father. Indoctrinated to believe his mother had abandoned him, after years of monitored phone calls and impeded access eight-year-old Dash decided he didn't want to be "forced" to visit her at all; later he told her he would never see her again if she took the case to court.

But he didn't count on his indefatigable mother's fierce love. For eight more years Pamela battled Dash's father, the legal system, their psychologist, the school system, and Dash himself to try and protect her son - first from his father, then from himself. A Kidnapped Mind is a heartrending and mesmerizing story of a Canadian mother's exile from and reunion with her child, through grief and beyond, to peace.

O avtorju

Pamela Richardson has been host of The Saturday Show, worked at Toronto life Fashion,Vancouver Magazine and Western Living. She has written and produced pieces for television and magazines. Today Pamela is a full-time mother to her two teenaged boys, living in Vancouver with her husband David.

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