A Ranch Called Home

· Harlequin

या ई-पुस्तकाविषयी

Survival instincts

Her Rocky Mountain Protector by Patricia Thayer

With his military dog in tow, ex-soldier Grady Fletcher plans to keep his troubled mind occupied while staying on his grandfather’s property—until it’s time to move on again. Single mom Gina Williams gets the distinct feeling that beneath Grady’s guarded exterior lies a kind, trustworthy man. So when Gina’s little boy goes missing, there’s only one person she’ll turn to for help…

Blame It on the Rodeo by Amanda Renee

Working at the Langtry family’s ranch forces veterinarian Lexi Lawson to confront rodeo rider Shane Langtry, the man who broke her heart. Long ago, when they were in love, Lexi hid a terrible secret from Shane—one she planned to keep forever. But when he learns the truth, she’s forced to choose between the past she left behind…and the future they might still find together.


Patricia Thayer was born in Muncie, Indiana, the second of eight children. She attended Ball State University before heading to California. A longtime member of RWA, Patricia has authored fifty books. She's been nominated for the Prestige RITA award and winner of the RT Reviewer’s Choice award. She loves traveling with her husband, Steve, calling it research. When she wants some time with her guy, they escape to their mountain cabin and sit on the deck and let the world race by.

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