Acts of Surrender: A Writer's Memoir

· MDG Media International
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An Exceptional Telling of an Exceptional Story!

Mark David Gerson never wanted to be a writer, never believed in a world beyond that of his five senses. But when life began to chip away at his identity with a relentlessness that he couldn't ignore, he found himself launched on a spiritual journey that would redefine everything about him – multiple times. It was a journey of surrender that ultimately birthed a timeless fantasy series...and a new life he could never have imagined.

"A dynamic read for the creative spirit within each of us. Positive inspiration at its best." – Hank Bruce, author of Peace Beyond All Fear: A Tribute to John Denver's Vision

"I don’t know anyone who has regularly risked more, given up more, to be a writer." – William Reichard, author of Evertime

"My life, as you will discover, has been rocky, on-the-edge and unconventional. It has been scary, disrupted and a distant remove from what most people still cling to as 'security.' It has also been creative, exhilarating, passion-filled, vibrant, exciting, adventurous and enriching. It has pushed me beyond the boundaries of what I believe and what I believe I want, and it has propelled me beyond the frontiers of the conventionally possible. In every moment, it steers me on a course that I could never consciously chart for myself. In every breath, it reminds me that the story knows best -- the story I'm living as much as the story I'm writing." 

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Mark David Gerson is the bestselling author of more than a dozen books. His nonfiction includes popular titles for writers, inspiring personal growth books and compelling memoirs. As a novelist and screenwriter, he is best known for The Legend of Q’ntana fantasy series, coming soon to movie theaters. When not writing, Mark David coaches an international roster of both first-time and seasoned writers to help them get their stories onto the page and into the world with ease.

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