All Because of Love

· WestBow Press

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So many times we have dreams and desires that we never want to give up on, and we strive to see them become a reality. Our lives are easier because of modern technologies that started with a dream or an idea. Why is it that our society gives up so easily on marriage?

When a marriage is failing and love is fading, many couples think that divorce is the only way out, so they give up on their dreams. We live in a throw-it-away society; if it is broken, just throw it away and get a new one.

In All Because of Love, author Penelope Marie takes readers on a journey through the realities of marriage. She shares how God took her marriage that was failing and her love that was fading and led her and her husband through a journey of restoration.

No matter what problems are being faced in a marriage, there is hope. A husband or wife may have deep pain in their heart and soul because of their situation, but when they have the necessary tools to repair what is broken and falling apart, they are able to make the needed repairs.

Meer oor die skrywer

Married for thirty-seven years and following the leadership of the Holy Spirit, Penelope Marie is sharing what she has experienced along her journey. She is a wife, mother, grandmother, singer and songwriter, has taught Bible studies and led women's groups. Penelope Marie and her husband live in Round Rock, Texas.

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