An Introduction to the Theory of the Boltzmann Equation

· Dover Books on Physics Кніга 46 · Courier Corporation
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Boltzmann's equation (or Boltzmann-like equations) appears extensively in such disparate fields as laser scattering, solid-state physics, nuclear transport, and beyond the conventional boundaries of physics and engineering, in the fields of cellular proliferation and automobile traffic flow. This introductory graduate-level course for students of physics and engineering offers detailed presentations of the basic modern theory of Boltzmann’s equation, including representative applications using both Boltzmann’s equation and the model Boltzmann equations developed within the text. It emphasizes physical aspects of the theory, and it represents a practical resource for researchers and other professionals. The problems following each chapter are intended as learning examples, and they frequently extend and generalize the text material. Additional editorial features include a historical introduction, references, and subject and author indexes. 1971 edition.

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