Anything Can Be Healed: The Body Mirror System of Healing with Chakras, Edition 2

· Прадавец: Simon and Schuster
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A new edition of the classic practical manual for utilizing the chakra system as a body/mind interface for effective energetic healing

• Explores the physical body as a mirror of our consciousness, with symptoms reflecting inner stresses in our emotional being, our mind, and/or our higher self

• Offers an in-depth explanation of different aspects of each chakra, alongside a chakra meditation and practical energy exercises

• Includes color reference charts of the chakras and their associated vibrations, systems, layers of the aura, senses, and areas of consciousness

Drawing on his own profound healing experience as a young man, Martin Brofman developed a system of healing that effectively and seamlessly blends Western psychology and Eastern philosophies: the Body Mirror System. He explains how the chakra system connects to both mind and body to form a body/mind interface, allowing us to read the physical body as a mirror of the consciousness within, track the route from symptom to cause, and then work on releasing the causes on all levels.

Brofman shows how specific tensions or symptoms on the physical level reflect corresponding tensions in one’s consciousness about specific issues in life--the inner cause to the outer symptom. The author explains how healing the symptom needs to involve not only releasing the tension on the physical level, but also letting go of the stressful way of interacting with the environment. Thus, the process of healing always implies a process of transformation.

Within the concepts of his Body Mirror System, Brofman explores the chakras and their role in the body, including their associated vibrations, parts of the body, senses, layers of the aura, and areas of consciousness. He explains how to clear and connect the chakras, how to connect to the cosmos through the chakras, and how engaging with thought forms, time travel, and past lives can assist in healing sessions. Discussing the healing of others as well as self-healing, Brofman describes how to heal with chakras, thought forms, white light, and love, and how to perform distance healing. He provides practical energy exercises and chakra meditations, allowing the reader to imminently experience the healing energy in their bodies and prepare for a healing session. He also includes color reference guides, such as a chakra healing chart.

Deeply examining the multilayered elements of the healing process, including transformation, this classic healing guide serves as a practical introduction to energy healing as well as a healer’s tutorial and reference book.

Звесткі пра аўтара

MARTIN BROFMAN (1940-2014), renowned healer and founder of the Brofman Foundation for the Advancement of Healing, created a special healing approach, the Body Mirror System, after he cured himself of a terminal illness in 1975. Actively practicing for more than 30 years, his healing system is now taught worldwide. Since 2014, his wife, Annick Brofman, and the Body Mirror System instructors continue the legacy of his work within the Brofman Foundation around the world.

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