Applications of Nonwovens in Technical Textiles

· Elsevier
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Nonwovens have been one of the fastest growing and most exciting sectors of the textiles market. Such fabrics have a broad spectrum of end uses, ranging from medical products to interior textiles. This book focuses on the variety of technical nonwoven applications available.

Opening chapters in part one briefly discuss the fundamental principles of nonwoven fabrics, topics such as the formation of nonwovens and the influence of fibre and fabric properties on nonwoven performance are covered. Part two provides valuable examples of how nonwoven materials can be used in a variety of textile products for apparel, filtration and personal hygiene.

With a collection of international contributors, this book is an important reference for professionals involved in the production, technology and use of nonwoven materials, extending from industries such as the medical textile industry to the apparel sector. It will also be suitable for researchers in academia with an interest in nonwoven fabrics.
  • Focuses on the variety of technical nonwoven applications available and provides a comprehensive overview of current developments and likely future trends
  • Reviews the formulation of various types of nonwovens and examines the influence of fibre and fabric properties on nonwoven performance
  • Provides a broad overview of nonwoven applications in a variety of different areas from apparel to automotive interiors

Зохиогчийн тухай

Roger Chapman is a Technical Consultant based in Warwickshire. His background is in innovation in fibres and fabrics, especially for technical textiles. Prior to setting up his own company he was R&D Manager at Courtaulds. He is a chartered textile technologist with degrees in physics and business administration.

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